Onward and Upward Newsletter - August 2021

Aug 03, 2021 2:58 pm



I hope you are keeping well.

We have been to UK and back twice in the last couple of months, braving the heatwave and the confusing barrage of ever-changing COVID restrictions. My mother is nearly ninety, and my partner's mother had her 100th birthday in May and is still going strong... so travel is an essential element of family life, not an unnecessary holiday, as one rather sour Guard insisted at the port. We were obliged to go by ferry, a long haul both sides of the water, as the Cork/Bristol flights have folded - hopefully not permanently.

The short version of the last month: on our home front we have made good use of the unexpectedly good summer with its social restrictions to work on our house and garden. The veg garden is thriving (the weeds are amazing). We have fitted four doors into the hallway of our extension in preparation for rendering the blockwork, and bought worktops and tiles to finish the kitchen. The polytunnel has been taken over by tomatoes and cucumbers, so salads rule. I have given myself a break from sitting at the computer (dark winter days will be here all too soon) and invested in an exercise machine (a Tony Little Gazelle Glider, the cheapest and best for home use) to counteract the often sedentary lifestyle of author, and I'm stepping positively towards a new, slimmer, fitter me. I hope.


I haven't produce a storyboard this month, but the backstory of our move to a wreck in rural Ireland can be found on my website.



Night Shadows is presently on 99cents special offer on Amazon, so if you haven't read it, grab it while it's cheap. Many of you will have already received a free copy, but if you liked it and want to help me succeed, a 99 cent spend (less than the foulest cup of coffee) will turn your Amazon review into a 'verified purchase' review, which means so much more than the small commission gained on a sale.

This month I have invested in Hello Books, which is the new promotion service of Mark Dawson, the 'self-publishing phenomenon'. He's a good businessman, a good writer, and seems to be a genuinely nice character, so if you're interested in receiving his 'free and cheap' book offers which arrive as a weekly, genre-filtered email, click the image below, sign up, and choose your genres:


Or, click on the following image and dive straight to the thriller and action list:


I welcome feedback on my newsletter and on my novels.


You have probably received this newsletter because you have chosen one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if you wish to unsubscribe, please click the unsubscribe button below.
