Onward and Upward Newsletter - May 2021

May 03, 2021 8:39 pm



I hope you are well and happy. Here in West Cork, the sun is shining, the cherry tree is in blossom, and we have healthy rows of young veg started. Our son, a tree surgeon, has cut down an overgrown hedge that was threatening my precious greenhouse. The result seems a bit draconian, but it's spring, and the trunk will soon sprout with fresh shoots and leaves.



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The Silence of Children is presently with Hidden Gems, which has generated some fantastic reviews on Amazon. If there are any authors out there who have not heard of Hidden Gems, it's a great way to get reviews, from a reputable source. Likewise, they are always seeking more readers, but there is (or was!) a requirement that readers have to be able to post onto Amazon, hence the fact this is such a useful service for the Indie Author. The fact remains, we are judged not just by the rating, but also by the quantity of reviews on Amazon. At the moment the number of reviews on my books doesn't even put me in the starter box.


I'm well into writing a sequel, (the title of which might change). I have only ever written standalone novels before, so it's a challenge to create a series in which the main characters keep evolving rather than getting character flatline. If you are interested in following Deirdre's story, hit the follow button on my website, Goodreads, Bookbub, or Amazon, or the pre-order button on Amazon if you feel generous enough to give this book a kickstart for me. I will let you know first, of course, when I do publish this second book in the series, and offer readers who have been proactive reviewers a chance to review it FOC. If you haven't read The Silence of Children, it will be on special offer on Amazon from May 15th-20th for 99 cents. If you haven't posted an online review of that one, now is your chance.


Another chapter in the house renovation story... The creation of an author's study. This is the highlight of my first three years on this wreck project! Click the image to see the story, and if you're new to my newsletter, navigate to the STORYBOARD tab to see how it all started.



Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

An amazing piece of dystopian fiction, beautifully written, and not a zombie in sight (except for mobile phone zombies). In exquisite detail, it portrays the horrific experience of survivors in America after the total collapse of society as we know it, and the gradual loss over twenty or so years of all the things we don't necessarily take for granted, but are certainly used to.


I can't vouch for the quality of these books (except mine), but if you find one that really floats your boat, please provide the author with a review.




This one doesn't start until 6th May, so bookmark it!

I'm sending out this newsletter early because of an upcoming trip to UK.

Wish me luck... travel is still a minefield of uncertainties.





You have received this newsletter because you have accepted one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if you wish to unsubscribe, please click the unsubscribe button below.
