Onward and Upward Newsletter - November 2021

Nov 03, 2021 10:10 pm



Huge apologies for not sending any free book offers last month. A lot of things happened over the last few months which have kept me busy and away from my own writing, including house renovations, editing work, and several tiring and expensive visits to the UK to visit our ageing mothers (we had to drive/ferry, because Cork Airport is presently closed).

November has come in with a vengeance, bringing high winds and lashings of rain, and the fires were lit for the first time since spring. The house promptly filled with smoke. So we cleaned the chimneys and lit the fires again...

Renovations in a Nutshell:

We began a major overhaul to the inside of our old farmhouse, some of which we wanted to complete before the cold weather kicked in. The original partition between the front lobby and the main room, having been totally rotten, was stripped out when we bought the place. We rather liked the idea of an open plan room, but like all good plans, it didn't work in practice. All the heat went straight up the stairs and out through the roof... So, plan number two: put the partition back again. Below, we have mapped out the partition.



First we put a door on the under-stairs glory hole. Then we created a framework for the partition, clad it on both sides with pine, and infilled it with insulation. The doors are reclaimed, so are not double-glazed, but a pair of interlined curtains on the living room side will help to retain a little heat. We have now also put up a pine ceiling and carpeted the floor in the lobby. Hopefully this winter will be a little cosier than the last few... And then we moved on to the kitchen in the extension... more on that, later.



I have recently teamed with Jeremy Murphy, himself an editor who provides consultancy and other services for self-published authors. My first job (amusingly, as competitive sports is one of my least favourite subjects), was to edit a book called Green, White & Orange, an account of the history and changing colours of the Irish Football team since its inauguration in 1921. As the text was closely and sensitively linked to social history, through the second world war, the 'troubles', and up to the present, it was surprisingly moving in places. The author certainly knew his topic but was the first to admit that the required edit would be extensive. It was, but we got there in the end. The hardback, glossy, full-colour book is expensive, but the photographs and nostalgia will no doubt find a clientele, both here in Ireland and to the Irish football fans around the world. Here is a link if you would like to check it out. Green White & Orange

Suffer the Little Children

Now that the nights are turning in, I will get back to writing the second in the trilogy and this will be ready for beta-reading after Christmas. I have named the series as above, being a misdirectional quote from the Bible. When I was a child, I totally didn't understand why Jesus wanted the little children to suffer when they came to Him. No one explained that suffer once meant 'allow'. Likewise, at Easter, I didn't see the relevance of the faraway green hill being without a city wall... In my limited experience cities didn't have walls, anyway.



I'm afraid I have not invested in any book funnels this month, but I will try to get my act together in future, so stick with me. If you are new to my list, and would like to review one of my books, check out my website, and email me. I will send you a link to the book of your choice. I welcome feedback on my writing.

Happy Reading


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