How to speed up your results fast ...

Happy Saturday ,Ready to get a little nerdy?Ready for something crazy!?If you’ve ever studied “behavior change”, one of the first things you learned about is the “transtheoretical model of change.” Sounds complicated but it’s not!It was developed bac...

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Jun 07, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Dear ,Wherever you are, and whatever you're doing, I hope you're making the best of this long weekend! For many, this is considered the unofficial first weekend of Summer. To celebrate, I’m offering huge savings from one of my favorite sup...

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May 25, 2020
Myth or Fact

Hi ❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Does having a fever weaken your immune system?🙈.🙉. 🔥MYTH 🔥!💡A fever actually can help your immune system fight infections in two ways.  First: a higher body temperature speeds up how fast your cells fun...

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May 22, 2020
At Home Survival Kit ebook!

Good Morning ! I hope you and your family are staying healthy (and sane!). I’m just dropping into your email inbox today with a special gift. Things sure are different than they were just a couple months ago, aren’t they? A lot of us have a...

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May 16, 2020
Getting stressed about the small things lately?

Good morning, ! I have been hearing from a LOT of people about how they are feeling extra stressed and strangely “emotional” over the past few weeks. For example, little things they would have normally shrugged off seem to be causing more s...

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May 08, 2020
Disinfecting Cleaners!

Hi 💥If you use a lot of disinfecting cleaners in your house, YOU NEED TO READ THIS...🔎 A study from Canada found disinfectants can affect gut bacteria in young children AND could lead to obesity.👉Disinfectants are designed to kill bacteria and the...

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Apr 21, 2020