Invitation to Live Fitness Meditation

Dear !This is a reminder that our Live Training (Class Orientation) will start tomorrow at 11 AM. Be READY To go over Good Morning Qigong, Breathing Exercises, Qigong Flow, and some Therapeutic Exercises.You have been invited to join t...

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Mar 24, 2022
Updates Online Live Fitness Meditation

Happy Wednesday, !This is another update on how to watch the REPLAYS on our DOJO's platform for Tuesdays' Live Training Online Fitness MeditationClick on the link or Here to watch the Tutorial VideoHappy Training!Your Fitness Meditation Mentor,LuLudw...

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Mar 23, 2022
Invitation to Live Fitness Meditation

Dear !This is a reminder that our Live Training will start today at 5:30 PM. Be READY To go over Good Evening Qigong, Breathing Exercises, Qigong Flow, and some Therapeutic Exercises.You have been invited to join the live class Fi...

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Mar 22, 2022
How to declutter your self-care routine

Happy Friday, !The other day I outlined the only success formula you’ll ever need to get the results you’re after.ATTENTION + SUPPORT + PROVEN PLAN + ACTION = RESULTSBut there’s something you can do to make that winning formula a MAGIC formula.It’s p...

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Mar 18, 2022
Green Smoothie

Happy Thursday, !☘️Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day! A green smoothie featuring a leafy green you might not have tried yet: Swiss chard!It’s being hailed as the “new kale” – which is good news for people who don’t love kale’s tough leaves and stems...

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Mar 17, 2022
Soul Body Transformation - Master Class' updates!

Happy Wednesday, !This is a reminder that our Live Training will start today at 3:30 PM. Our Month #2 A group class is today Wednesday, 03/16/22 at 3:30 PM EST. Enjoy the rest of your day!Again here's the link to login I'll look forwar...

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Mar 16, 2022
Strengthening your immune system (how to)

How are you doing today, ?I’ve got a hot topic for you in this email. And if you ask me, it hasn’t gotten enough attention over the past couple of years.It’s your immune system, and here’s why I think it needs more attention.Your immune system is bas...

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Mar 15, 2022
Invitation to Live Fitness Meditation

Dear !This is a reminder that our Live Training will start today at 5:30 PM. Be READY To go over Good Evening Qigong, Breathing Exercises, Qigong Flow, and some Therapeutic Exercises.You have been invited to join the live class Fi...

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Mar 14, 2022
Soul Body Transformation Updates

Hey, !Today, I'd like to share with you the new updates on Soul Body Transformation - Master Class Join us for a yearly intensive Master Class to:learn more about the Soul, Re-energize your Life Force Energy w/specific Qigong Breathing exercises...

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Mar 14, 2022