Thank YOU!!!

Nov 26, 2020 7:31 pm

Hey everyone!

I know I usually only send out emails on Tuesday mornings, but I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I hope you have an amazing day, however you're spending it.

Given that it is Thanksgiving, I also wanted to let you know how extremely grateful I am for all of you. Thank you for signing up, for coming back every week and reading these emails, for your kind replies, and just for all the love and support you all show me! It means more than you could ever know. Thanks for coming along the ride with me :)

As a way to thank you, reply to this email with something you're grateful for and I'll send you some free stickers, because if there's anything to be grateful for, it's free stickers!

Enjoy your holiday and tell someone you love them!

Be awesome,

