3 Easy Ways To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone TODAY

Nov 10, 2020 7:31 pm

Breaking out of your comfort zone doesn't always mean skydiving, moving to a new city, or even asking that cute girl or boy out on a date.

While all of these things very well could be out of your comfort zone, it does not always take doing something BIG to break out of it. Sometimes it is actually the smaller, everyday leaps that are the most important.

As promised, here are three simple ways to break out of your comfort zone:

  • Break out mentally: Do something that challenges/grows your mindset. This could look like doing something that scares you or pushes your mind to the limit. It doesn't have to be anything crazy but maybe it looks like conquering the fear of talking on the phone and jumping on a 10 minute call with someone. Or maybe it even looks like positively reinforcing yourself throughout the day and choosing to focus on positivity over negativity. Try to notice every negative thought that pops in your head today. You might be surprised...

  • Break out physically: Go get some movement in! This could range anywhere from going on a walk or stretching to trying out a new exercise or doing a challenging workout. Just take AT LEAST 15 minutes to move your body and get some form of exercise in. Although uncomfortable, you'll ALWAYS be glad you did it!

  • Break out spiritually: Now this one could look different for everyone based on different religions/beliefs, however on a more surface level, this could be something like 15 minutes of prayer or meditation, checking-in with yourself and your intentions, and/or even reading 20 pages of a book. In today's world, doing nothing can be surprisingly uncomfortable, but SO beneficial.

If you find just ONE THING to do every day from each of these three categories and keep at it consistently, you will essentially become FEARLESS.

If you do this consistently for a year, that's 1,095 uncomfortable things that likely grew you in some way. That's a lot of broken comfort zones...just how we like 'em!😉

Now I want to hear from you; the first uncomfortable thing I want you to do is to reply to this email with ONE way you are going to break out of your comfort zone in each category, as well as how I can support you in that. If you do so, I'll also share mine with you.

I'm looking forward to reading your responses and chatting with you!

Go be awesome and crush this week,


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