I'm going to let you in on a secret...

Dec 01, 2020 7:31 pm

Well, you clicked on this email so you must want to know what the secret is, huh?

It's quite simple really.

Here it is: NOBODY CARES.

Ouch, right? In a world where we are always seeking the attention of others and feeling as though all eyes are on us, the reality is, nobody actually cares.

Why? Well, I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I would say that it's probably got something to do with the fact that we are all so focused on OURSELVES and what others think of us that we have no time or energy to focus on what anyone else is actually doing.

So while the news that nobody cares might sound dark or gloomy, it should actually make you happy. Like really happy. The fact that nobody cares means that you are FREE to do whatever you want!

You don't have to cater to others opinions and constantly please everyone. In fact, the only person you have to please is YOU!

Like we talked about a couple weeks ago, you should do whatever you feel is right and what you love, not what you think other people will like the most. Same goes for your character; be unapologetically YOU. If you care so much about people's opinions of you, stop trying to conform to them. The right people will be attracted to your authenticity, not some fake, sugarcoated version of you.

I'm sure you've heard this before, but you attract who you are; if you want to find yourself surrounded by fake people, be fake. But I don't think anyone really wants that...

The next time you find yourself caught up worrying about what other people think, try taking a second and reminding yourself that nobody really cares and then go do whatever it is that YOU want to do.

I want to be very clear on something, this does NOT mean that nobody cares about you as a person. Far from it actually. If you are reading this, I care about you deeply. However, it is simply there to remind you that people aren't just sitting around constantly waiting to criticize your every move, like so many of us think. When I say nobody cares, what I really mean is that if you have something you want to do/create/say/etc. then you should do it because at the end of the day, NOBODY CARES!

It's not harsh...it's just the honest truth. And after all, the truth will set you free :)

So go be unapologetically you this week. The world needs more authentic people; go be one of them. You were made to be you for a reason so stop trying to be someone else. You deserve better than that!

Challenge: Write down one of your favorite things about yourself, then reply to this email with whatever that thing is. Bonus points if you journal about it and send a photo of your journal.

Grateful for you all, as always.

Be awesome,

