Who's attention are you seeking?

Nov 17, 2020 7:31 pm

If you were to walk away from your phone or computer (or whatever you're reading this on) right now, find the nearest mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and honestly ask this question: "Who's attention am I seeking?", would you be happy with your answer?

Odds are, if we were being completely honest with ourselves, we probably all would be disappointed to some extent.

We find ourselves in a world of fighting over each other's attention 24/7; whether it's through trying to get the most likes on social media or just be the most liked in the friend group, we all seem to be constantly competing for other people's approval.

But why?

Why the heck do we spend so much time and energy trying to impress other people, all while completely neglecting our own thoughts and opinions?

Despite what your grandparents might want you to think, this is not some new thing that has come about due to social media or iPhones. In fact, I would argue that it's human nature to want to fit in. When we don't, we tend to feel lonely and like there is something wrong with us, and nobody wants that.

However, it becomes a problem when we prioritize fitting in and seeking attention from others above being ourselves and doing what we love. Whether it's a form of art, a business idea, or whatever the case may be, YOU have the power to change the world...

...but only if you're putting yourself out there and doing it FOR YOU!

Now as I've said before, I want to keep these emails fairly short so I'll wrap it up here. Moral of the story: create what you love, trust your ideas, and express yourself to the fullest. You've only got one life on this Earth, please don't waste it living for other people.

Allow me to let you in on a freeing little secret: Everyone else is too focused on themselves to focus on you anyways, so you do you fam!

To wrap up, I want to hear from you! What is ONE thing you are going to this week to be unapologetically you? Reply to this email and let me know and I'll send you a reply back. As always, also feel free to reach out with whatever is on your heart/mind. I love hearing from you guys so please don't hesitate to hit me up.

Until next week...

Be awesome,


*ps if you want to hear me talk more about this topic, I was recently on my friend Jasmine's podcast and talked about this and so much more. To listen to the episode, click here. Enjoy :)
