You were made for more...

Nov 24, 2020 7:31 pm

What areas of your life might you be settling in right now?

Take a second and try to identify any, then write them down.

Got yours? Good.

Now I'm going to walk you through how to overcome them.

Remember last week when we talked about looking yourself in the mirror? (Click here for last week's email.) Well, I want you to go back to that mirror (or another mirror nearby) and look yourself in the eyes. Now speak these words over yourself: "I was made for more than average."

That is the reality. You have been placed on this Earth for a short while and that was not an accident. Nor was it with the intent of you living an average or mediocre life, especially not one that caters to other people's opinions.

Go back to your list of areas where you might be settling. Read each one (out loud if you can) and follow it with, "I was made for more than average". Then, next to it I want you to write 1-3 actionable steps you can take to improve upon this particular thing or area.

After you do that, the next step is the simplest but likely the hardest: GO DO IT!

You've identified potential things that are holding you back from your full potential, positively reinforced yourself with truth, and labeled actions you need to take to steer you in the right direction; now it is up to YOU to go make it happen.

This life is WAY too short to settle for complacency and mediocrity. I urge you to please not let anything hold you back. Whether it's fear, doubt, the voices in your head, the voices other people have put there, or whatever the case may be, please, please, PLEASE don't let them stop you from stepping into what this life has for you. You're going to do amazing things. I'm rooting for you.

If you need any help with the exercise above or just want to chat about this more or life in general, please don't hesitate to just reply to this email with whatever you've got on your heart/mind. I'm always here for y'all! :)

One last thing before I wrap up...I currently manage the Thrive On Life Podcast and our guest this past week had a quote that has stuck with me since: "If tomorrow was a completely free day, what would you spend your time doing?" I think this is a question we should all ask ourselves regularly and it definitely applies here.

STOP SETTLING for less than you are capable of.

Dream big. Shoot for the moon. You might miss the first few times but keep shooting and you'll get there eventually. Keep asking yourself that question as a means of keeping you on track to make whatever you'd choose to do on that "free day", what you do every day. It's possible. KEEP GOING.

I'm rooting for you, as always.

Be awesome,

