Unlike other days.I know you might not like me very much after this,But as long as you love who you are becoming,We all can make do with that.The world will be so much of a better place,If only we come to points whereWe are genuinely honest with ours...
Apart from the sweet loving I got on SaturdayFrom Jesus (lol)A teenager sent this to me:Miss Grace, you are someone I admire a lot.Your story is challenging and inspiring.You are ever taking the bull by the horns.One of the many things I love about y...
The last 10 years of my life have moved so fast, So fast, that I mix up the years. Sometimes, I'm like, did this happen in 2015, or 2016? Cause they look all seem to me. But one thing has not changed.My essence. My character was l...
Two days ago,I met a very pretty girl at a speaking eventShe walked up to meAfter the event, looking quite downcast.I inquired to know what was going on,And then she opened up saying;I honestly don’t know what to do with my life.It was a story I had...
If you know me well,You would know I am not one to chase after titlesSo it wasn’t difficult to get me drooling.Ok! I take that back.Well, at least it wasn’t difficult 10 years ago.He would write me lettersEvery single dayIn red inkSymbolizing how muc...
In 2019, I interned with an organizationAnd got exposed to Social Media ManagementFor 6 months.After internshipI got an offer that paid #10,000For manage a page for a month.It was to sell properties.One day,I had created content and was so out of ins...
People can be really funny.They learn a new skillOr probably acquire knowledgeAbout a phenomenon,And then,They come across one of my mails,Or maybe a post on social mediaThat motivates them to go for the lifeOf their dreams.Usually those kinds of pos...
Once upon a time,In a far away land called San DiegoThere was a mass suicide.And they found quite a number of peopleOver 30 bodies.Lying peacefully dead on the floor.They had been convinced somehowBy their leaderThat this was the chosen routeTo heave...