Apr 06, 2021 1:01 pm

Welcome to my exclusive mailing list.

What do we call ourselves?

I will leave you to decide that.

Towards the end of the month of January,

I was planning to resume law school

And then,

If you have ever been in law school

You would know how capital intensive

Being in one is.

And there came this copywriting training,

For 35k.

I just knew I had to be a part of it.

I threw caution to the wind

And enrolled with faith in my heart

That I would make as much money

As I had envisioned.

Guess what?

It didn’t work out as such in my first try

As law school training got quite intense.


I am back to making as much money

As I deserve and want.

It was one of the best investments

Of my life.

The bottom line of this story is this;

All copywriters have one thing in common

The desire to make money

And a whole lot of it.

You must believe you can.

You must believe you deserve to.

You must know you can learn to.

No matter who you are and

Where you have been.

That is where you start from.

I already see your commitment

By deciding to be in here,

Reading mails from me

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

But your resolve will be seen

By the actions you take.

If you know you are destined for more,

You would always be willing to do more.

Are you ready?

Cheers to our best life.

Grace Christos
