Apr 05, 2021 1:01 pm

Once upon a time,

In a far away land called San Diego

There was a mass suicide.

And they found quite a number of people

Over 30 bodies.

Lying peacefully dead on the floor.

They had been convinced somehow

By their leader

That this was the chosen route

To heaven, or something like that.

They were being heavenly minded

And leaving this body of sin.

Over 30 individuals

Believed this,

And committed suicide.

The first time I heard Andy

Narrate this story,

I knew it was insane.

Picture this;

I send you periodic messages in here

And my main purpose

Is to get you to a point

Where you are convinced

That to die

Is more rewarding than living.

What power!.

You see,

There are different ways to kill a man

But there is no other powerful way

Than making a man kill himself

Believing that it was his choice all along.

What is the primary tool?


Perfectly written to convince,

And influence any soul to do a particular thing.

If you have the power to cause death,

And death has no profit,

Let’s do a flip switch

And create opportunities to harness wealth.

With our super power;

Being words.

Here is what I would show the people

Everyday, or every other day

Who have decided to join my exclusive mailing list.

Copywriting is so powerful,

It has to be in the hands of people I trust.

People I know would wield the sword rightly.

So I got them all in a group,

And they promised to stay faithful to the course.

E fit be you,

Only if you are serious about learning

And taking steps every single day.

Only if you will commit to opening your mails

Every single time.

Only if you will implement all you learn.

And take action right now.

This is where to begin.

Grace Christos.
