About Saturday Night...

Apr 14, 2021 1:01 pm

Apart from the sweet loving I got on Saturday

From Jesus (lol)

A teenager sent this to me:

Miss Grace, you are someone I admire a lot.

Your story is challenging and inspiring.

You are ever taking the bull by the horns.

One of the many things I love about you

Is your ability to convey wisdom in a very simple way

That is easy to comprehend.

We had just met at a teen’s conference

Where I was given 30 minutes

To make an impression,

Which would either want the teens

To keep hearing my voice,

Or wished they stayed at home.

You know how they tell you

That you are a horrible person

If kids always cry when they see you?

Not just one…like no kid

Is comfortable around you....

Adults have sound emotional intelligence

And can cope in very uncomfortable situations

They also know when to cover for you

So as not to hurt your feelings.

Most teenagers and children don’t know this

They are one of the most sincere humans

so please,

Don't judge me to absolutely believing her kind words.

Being able to communicate with any and everyone

At any level is a skill

And the magic happens when you understand

Your target audience

Who exactly you have been sent to.

This helps you pick your language,

Means of communication, tone and everything else.

Sometimes, it affects your entire message.

There are certain things a 20 year old won’t appreciate right now

Until she is 35.

And it isn’t her fault;

It is just her current phase.

If you covet this testimony

And want to be clearly understood

By all and sundry

When you communicate,

You have specifically decide

Who you want to impact with your message.

Believe me

When I say it is a game changer.

And read this mail again,


Grace Christos
