It’s only after the kids go to bed 🛏️

Quick question -You know multi-tasking is bullshit, right?It’s fake.  Does. Not. Exist.I should know, because sometimes I half-ass pay attention to my kids. (Which makes me Dad Of The Year, right?)Something from work pops up and sucks in my ener...

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Feb 05, 2021
You can never forget (no matter how hard you try)

Believe me, .Getting your face shoved into the ground while you struggle is a memorable experience.The right cheek and eye socket act as a kickstand while your sweat-soaked hair mops ringworm, impetigo, and MRSA off the wrestling mat.Your teeth go th...

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Jan 22, 2021
Is that what you really want? 🌳

Seriously ,You won’t believe it.How is it possible that I’ve never noticed this before?  I’ve encircled that city park with the nice playground, basketball court, and hilly corner thousands of times.  I know the discolored patch of gra...

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Jan 15, 2021
The worst advice you’ve been given 👎

Bad news ,You’ve been lied to (again).Don’t be too upset, it wasn’t on purpose (this time).They just think that you’re weak (because they are).You’re told - Be sure to pace yourself so you don’t burn out.Did you catch it?  The deceitful fable th...

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Jan 08, 2021
OK, stay calm and try not to freak out 😨

I'm telling you , it was a battle.  Have you ever been so confused by someone’s actions that you can’t control your body movements and emotions?Eyebrows pull in and downward as your chin retreats and slowly sways side to side, struggling to...

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Jan 01, 2021
The Second Side of Christmas 🎅

Shit.  Only one more week.A single set of seven days remain until I have to do it.Today I’m going to enjoy Christmas with family and distract myself with delicious food and smiling, sugar fueled, slightly out of control children.  But in th...

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Dec 25, 2020
This might piss people off 😬

Obese people are causing more deaths than anything else.And to be clear - obesity is a choice in nearly every case.  Wait, before I go on...*Disclaimer:  I do not think obese people are bad people.  This is not ‘fat shaming’ or dispara...

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Dec 18, 2020
Subject: Haven’t done it in years 🚜

- I need to be honest with you.This isn’t going as planned.  You were supposed to get an explanation of how a piece of popular advice always ends in modest results and leaves you unsatisfied, like a shitty light beer.To appear clever, I tr...

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Dec 11, 2020
Is this what you wanted? 👴

Hey -Are you sure that’s the best way to go about it? Like, really sure?I get it - it feels like the thing to do.You choose missing out on certain things in order to build something for the future.“Always play the long game” is great advice in...

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Dec 04, 2020