Want in on this?

Sep 12, 2023 9:40 pm

What's up !?

You need to know something. I know I haven't been sending out weekly emails in a while, but I do miss you.

That's not what I came here to say, but I couldn't hold it in!

I'll cut to the chase: I'm writing a book.

Why should you give a shit?

A few things:

  1. I still like enumerated lists.
  2. I'm going to send out parts of it as I get them written, so if you don't want to ever hear from me again, please unsubscribe (link at the bottom)
  3. If I tell you, then I can't back out.

Which brings me to a little tip: my weener.

Joking, but could I call these 'unfiltered' if I didn't throw in a small dick joke? (Also, 'small dick joke' is a double-entendre there)

But there real tip is this: If there's something you want/need to do there are ways you can force your own hand. Tell people who will ask you about it, and/or pay a shit-ton of money to a coach or program.

Now I've done both.

I even wrote this email, in Jack-Kerouac-stream-of-conscious style that includes some sophomoric humor and references that most of you won't relate to.

I'd say that I'm off to a great start.

Be great,

Danny Lehr

P.S. Although I like Dharma Bums, you should read On The Road first if you want to check out a Kerouac novel.

P.S.S. What have you learned from me, OR, what are you struggling with that I NEED to include in the book?
