Who let the dogs out?

Hello again, dear Reader!It's been a little bit longer than a month since the last newsletter, but there's method in my madness, I promise you. This month, I'm going to be talking about pets, again, but specifically dogs...hence the title of this new...

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Jun 29, 2022
Growing Pains

Dear Reader,I'll bet you never thought you'd be having growing pains after the teen years, did you? If you're like me, you figured that awkward phase was over once you hit your early twenties. While that may be true -- though given all the aches and...

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Jun 12, 2022
It's beginning to feel a lot like summer!

Dear Reader,Welcome to summer! I know, it's not even June as yet, but if the above-90F temperatures that had us sweating in the mid-Hudson valley this past weekend were anything to go by, summer is well on its way. I freely admit that it is my least...

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May 25, 2022
Double Take!

Happy Double Take Day, dear Reader!Today is Mother's Day, and I'd just like to celebrate all those of you who act in the role of mothers to the children in your care. Whether they are young or old, mothering never ends. It only changes, and we all ne...

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May 08, 2022
And so it goes!

Dear Reader,As I write you this note, I'm in Daytona Beach to participate in my first IRAE event as a featured author. IRAE stands for Interracial Romance Authors Expo and is an annual event that brings readers and the authors they love together for...

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Apr 29, 2022
Busy Bee Me

Dear Reader,It's been a rainy couple of weeks, and the pond is almost overflowing, with more rain in the forecast. April is indeed the cruelest month (that's what T. S. Eliot wrote and he knew whereof he spoke!) but at least it's not snowing in my ru...

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Apr 12, 2022
Jeepers, peepers!

Dear Reader,One of the things I love most about my life is where I live...in the woods on a dirt road in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. And a few days ago, it was such a beautiful day that I took a photograph. This is the view out my dining room...

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Mar 28, 2022
It's almost springtime!

Dear Reader,Oh my word, it's already the middle of March! Where has the time gone? Wasn't it just Valentine's Day? In a minute, it'll be spring and before you know it, we'll be sweltering away in summer heat. Do I sound sad about that? Maybe a lil bi...

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Mar 13, 2022
Can I get a witness?

Bonjour, !First of all, happy second half of January. I sure hope the first half has been good to you all! It's been a minute since I've written to you all, and a lot has happened. While bad news keeps coming, laughter and the love of family make the...

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Jan 15, 2022
On the fourth day pre-Christmas...

...I'm trying a new newsletter platform. So here we are! Thanks to Olivia Gaines for putting me on to this site. Here's to good things happening from now on. If all else fails, I can always go back to where I was before, yeah?Anyway, this is just a t...

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Dec 05, 2021