My Year In Review

Dec 13, 2022 6:52 pm


Good afternoon, dear Reader!

This will be my last newsletter of 2022. Just saying that is surreal, because doesn't it feel like the year just started? We're now only 18 days away from 2023! Mercy! And though it isn't technically winter as yet, you can't tell that from my yard, can you? Ole Man Winter came a-callin' on Sunday, and he spent the whole day with us up here in the Mid-Hudson valley. Pretty, right?image

Anyway, now to business. As promised, here's the link to the pre-order for The Surrogate. Currently, it is only on Amazon, but as soon as it is more widely available, I will inform you all. And here's the updated you see the change? I asked my cover artist to make it a little more Christmassy -- yes, I made up that word! LOL -- and he added a couple of subtle touches that complete the image perfectly. What do you think?


I've already begun to think about the next Twelfth Day of Christmas story, and I'm on the hunt for ideas. Will you help me brainstorm for this next book in the series? To sweeten the deal, if I choose your story idea, you get to decide the nationality of one of the main characters in it, AND you get to name one of the secondary characters.

Will you help me? Send me your story ideas by January 15, 2023. I will choose a winner by January 31, 2023. I can't wait to hear your ideas!

Just one more thing before I go. Have you visited my blog? It's where I talk about my work and share personal stories from my life with you. You'll find it here:

And if you enjoy spending time online, I'm in a few other places as well, some less frequently than others. You'll find them all here:

Now it's time to say goodbye until next year. Have a wonderful Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, and may peace be with you all!


À bientôt,


PS Cats are my favorite pet (hence today's newsletter header). What's yours?

