A bitter sweet homecoming!

Aug 29, 2022 12:57 pm

Dear Reader,

It's been thirty years since I was last on the island where I was born, and now I've been here for sixteen days and the culture shock is sometimes overwhelming, just as the memories are. This will be a really short newsletter because I came home to attend a funeral and there are family obligations and other events which make my time online limited.

I wanted to share just a few photographs with you all and I hope that those of you who have never been to Jamaica will enjoy the shots I've taken. These scenes represent something of the variety of Jamaican life but don't do real justice to the diversity and difficulty, and tribulations and triumphs that ordinary Jamaicans live through and overcome each day.

Jamaica nice, mon! Welcome to Jamaica, my island home!







And for a little island extra island spice, enjoy Stephanie Morris's Misleading Maddox, which takes place on the island of Madagascar. Click on the title and the link will take you to Amazon.

Have a wonderful week!

À bientôt,

K. T.
