Thanksgiving Bounty!

Dear Readers,If you live in the US, you know that Thanksgiving is a big -- and often controversial -- deal. There's a lot of eating and reconnecting with family and friends. It was never my favorite holiday of the season -- that honor goes to Christm...

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Nov 19, 2022
New books and freebies

Dear Reader,This will be a hurried note because this month is known in the writing world as NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel Writing Month, and I'm supposed to be writing 1634 words a day in order to have the draft of a 50K-word story by the 30th. So pl...

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Nov 03, 2022
It's The Most Gorgeous Month Of The Year!

Dear Reader,Here's to October! It is the month of my birth, and it is also my most favorite month of the year! Elsewhere in the world, where the seasons are not as notably marked as they are here in the northeast US, Nature's fashion show wears diffe...

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Oct 21, 2022
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like ARC time!

Dear Reader,What an eventful fortnight it has been in our part of the Atlantic basin. Hurricane Fiona did a number on some Caribbean islands, its effects reaching as far north as Nova Scotia in Canada. Then Ian came along and multiplied the sorrow. I...

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Oct 03, 2022
Hiccups and Naps

Good evening, Readers,It's been three weeks since I was last with you and much has happened in that time. And as I'm sure y'all know, adulting is nothing if not full of adventure and drama. Well, mine is, at any rate.So, after my father-in-law's fune...

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Sep 17, 2022
A bitter sweet homecoming!

Dear Reader,It's been thirty years since I was last on the island where I was born, and now I've been here for sixteen days and the culture shock is sometimes overwhelming, just as the memories are. This will be a really short newsletter because I ca...

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Aug 29, 2022
I'm off t see the Wizard!

Good morning, dear Reader!Life is a funny thing, isn't it? Here you are, going along placidly doing your thing when it smacks you upside the head and you have to plot a new course of action. On Saturday, my husband and I will be traveling home to Jam...

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Aug 10, 2022
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Dear Reader,It's conference time for me again, and as I write this, I'm at the end of my first day at the Romance Writers of America Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. It was a productive day, and I learned some new things to help me in my writ...

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Jul 29, 2022
Pause for station identification

Good afternoon, dear Reader,Let me begin with apologies for sending out this newsletter later than normal. Life has a way of hitting you with a one-two punch when you're least expecting it, and like death and taxes, there's nothing you can do to avoi...

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Jul 15, 2022
Oops! I made a booboo!

Dear Reader,Chalk it up to a tired mind, but I left out a very important piece of information in the newsletter that I just sent out at midnight.My new book, the second in the Serendipity series, comes out next Monday, July 4. Back To Love is set in...

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Jun 29, 2022