It's The Most Gorgeous Month Of The Year!

Oct 21, 2022 3:45 am

Dear Reader,

Here's to October! It is the month of my birth, and it is also my most favorite month of the year! Elsewhere in the world, where the seasons are not as notably marked as they are here in the northeast US, Nature's fashion show wears different hues that are probably quite as delightful as the colors of autumn in New York. And I am blessed to have an annual front-row seat to this bountiful show. I thought you might enjoy some of the sights that I bear witness to as October winds down in my neck of the woods...literally.

These are a few pictures of my backyard this week.


My dog enjoys lying out on our deck watching the show with me. And the deer -- but no antelope -- watches me cautiously before returning to her grazing.


The bluebirds, one of whom chose to give me an intimate view of his sky-blue plumage, have been visiting the deck lately, and the flock of turkeys, too, have been making their trek through my yard every day. image

What do you enjoy from Nature's beauty where you live? I'd love to hear from you.

And now, just a reminder to 1-click on my latest and my upcoming releases -- Back To Love, out on July 4, and "A Very Pregnant Christmas" in the Christmas anthology Wanted: Mistletoe, due out on November 1. I also invite you to subscribe to my blog which is about to undergo something of a sea change. Join me for the adventure! As usual, just click on the links in the titles to get you where you'd like to go.

Happy Autumn, my friends!

À bientôt,

K. T.
