My apologies ... I made an oopsie!

Dear Reader,Please excuse this too-swift follow-up email, but thanks to my OCD self, I discovered that I hadn't sent you the correct link for the AJ Buchanan blog. So here it is, and I hope you'll enjoy visiting it. Thank you for your patience.AJ's B...

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Jun 14, 2023
It never rains...

...but it pours, dear Reader!My sincere apologies for my extended absence from your inboxes. So much has happened since my last letter, and much is still occurring, but I needed to feel in control of something, so I'm sending this out just to catch y...

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Jun 13, 2023
Playing Dress up!

Dear Readers,This is just a fun newsletter to share the fun I've been having since Thursday evening. Every year at the end of April, I journey to Florida by train -- because I love trains and hate flying -- and spend time with my fellow IR (interraci...

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Apr 29, 2023
Happy Release Day To Me!

Dear Readers, Today's the day! Back At Last arrives in your favorite online bookstore in ebook, paperback, and hardcover formats! This is just a quickie to let you know and remind you to purchase your copy if you haven't already pre-ordered it. Thank...

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Mar 30, 2023
Happy Women's Day!

Dear Readers,Can you believe a month has already gone by? Much has happened in my private life, some of it happy, some of it not so much. But that is the human condition, right? Thank goodness we're still here to live stronger, better lives.Today is...

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Mar 08, 2023
When Life Throws You Curves

Good evening, dear Reader!It's been a minute since I was last with you, and much has happened that caused the delay in this newsletter. A backed-up septic system, frozen pipes, leaks, and health issues have all made the last month especially trying....

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Feb 10, 2023
My, how the days have flown!

Good morning, dear Reader,Can you believe we're already halfway through January? The days are just flying by! I hope the beginning of this new year has been everything you could wish for. I'm ending a long stretch of stress, after the upheaval of the...

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Jan 17, 2023
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, dear Reader!Can you believe it's already 2023? Where did a whole year go? Tempus fugit -- time flies -- for real, yeah? Last year was one full of challenges, some well-managed, others not so much. But as I keep telling folks who ask,...

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Jan 02, 2023
My Year In Review

Good afternoon, dear Reader!This will be my last newsletter of 2022. Just saying that is surreal, because doesn't it feel like the year just started? We're now only 18 days away from 2023! Mercy! And though it isn't technically winter as yet, you can...

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Dec 13, 2022
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Happy holidays, dear Reader!As the Christmas carol says, it's the most wonderful time of the year for most people. Yes, there are many who suffer greatly during this season, and we should do all we can and know how to do to help make their holidays l...

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Dec 09, 2022