New books and freebies

Nov 03, 2022 3:01 pm

Dear Reader,

This will be a hurried note because this month is known in the writing world as NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel Writing Month, and I'm supposed to be writing 1634 words a day in order to have the draft of a 50K-word story by the 30th. So please forgive me if I share my book news and cut and run afterward.

But first, this is where I am right now in Vermont. I've come up to be with my youngest daughter, a student at Castleton University because she's having an MRI and I want to be with her for that.


Next, Wanted: Mistletoe is LIVE, peeps! And let me apologize in advance if you pre-ordered it but never received it. Amazon failed to deliver on hundreds of pre-orders for a number of authors of anthologies and single books, and we were a part of that fiasco. So can I ask you, if you didn't receive your copy, to 1-click on the title above and get it now? And remember, my story in it is called A Very Pregnant Christmas, about Jake the minister, and Kate the widow. As one of my favorite TikTokers, @philogene69, would say, "Please and thanks!"

Third, I am participating in a freebie event being put on by 100 authors. I made it 101 because I missed the deadline for signing up, which is why my link is separate. Until November 5th, we're giving away one -- or in some cases more than one -- of our books for free in recognition of National Author Day, which was November 1.

The book I'm giving away is May to December. Click on the link in the title for your free copy, and I hope you enjoy it. Think of it as my birthday gift to you -- Halloween was my birthday, so this trip to be with my youngest is also a bit of a treat for me.

To access the other 100 authors' freebies, available until November 5th as well, follow the link -- -- or scan the QR code on the image below. You'll have hours and hours of fun with these stories, I'm sure. Think of them as early holiday gifts to deserve them all for being loyal readers and fans! Thank you very much!


Before I rush back to my writing, just one more bit of good news! I finally received the Emma Award for Best Interracial Romance that I won for my Christmas story His Christmas Love back in July. I thought you'd like to see it and the book. I think it's a beautiful piece of art, which I now have proudly displayed in my curio cabinet at home.


Well, I'm off for now. Have a wonderful weekend when it comes!

À bientôt,

K. T.
