Playing Dress up!

Apr 29, 2023 9:33 pm


Dear Readers,

This is just a fun newsletter to share the fun I've been having since Thursday evening. Every year at the end of April, I journey to Florida by train -- because I love trains and hate flying -- and spend time with my fellow IR (interracial) romance writers at the Interracial Romance Authors Expo. It is a joyful reunion of people who love romance novels as well as a place where writers new to the genre are happily welcomed.

This year, our Awards Dinner theme was The Roaring Twenties. We had a blast, as you can see from these few pictures I'm allowed to share.


It was such fun to play dress up for an evening, and I was blessed to win an award for Ties That Bind -- Best IR Holiday Story.


The woman I'm standing with is the originator and organizer of the event each year, and I am in awe of her. She is dedicated to the progress of all writers, whether newbies or seasoned.


Her name is Kassanna Dwight and if you enjoy contemporary, fantasy, or paranormal stories with BITE, you can find her work on Amazon here:

Some other writers of note included newbies (to IRAE) Naleighna Kai and C. A. Miconi, newbie writers such as Darie McCoy and Niccoyan Zheng, and old-timers like Bridget Midway, Michel Prince, and Sylvia Hubbard. We all had a chance to sell our wares today.


This was my spot, and I was blessed to have a few people purchase copies of my books. One very kind new reader purchased the entire Twelfth Day Of Christmas Series, all three books, including the award winner. How can I not be thankful?

I hope you all had a wonderful week, and that your weekend will be blessed. Feel free to click on any of the links to find some new authors and their work. We all appreciate everything you do to support us. Thank you from all of us!

Until next time, when I'll have more news for you about a new anthology that I'll be a part of just mark May 1 on your calendar and come visit my Facebook page for all the deets -- stay blessed! Here's the link to me on Facebook: KT Bond.

À bientôt,

