Thank Yous, Book Recs, and News

Oct 15, 2023 3:50 am


Dear Reader,

As we hit the halfway mark in October, I find myself thinking how grateful I am to all those of you who open my emails once a month to see what new madness, joy, or sorrow I have to share with you. And I need to say a very HUGE "Thank you!" to you all. I sincerely do appreciate each and every one of you. And to those of you who once in a while respond to these letters and share your thoughts and pictures with me, hugs and smooches. You make my day every time you do so! Keep those responses coming, please!

As you know, A. J. Buchanan's debut M/M novel came out on September 30. It's a second-chance romance that reminds us that love can overcome time and distance if we're up to the challenge. Get your copy here: Orchestrated Love, available now.


I'd also like to recommend my fellow author LaQuette's novel Cinderella Masquerade, about a woman who learns to believe that she is the woman behind the mask, and the man who learns to accept and love all the parts of her that the mask hides. I listened to it in Audible, and though I don't normally enjoy female-only narrators, I was pleased with the performance of Tracey Conyer Lee.


And finally, some news! I have a milestone birthday coming up on Halloween--yes, I'm one of those babies!--and I'll have an announcement to make regarding the gift I'll have for all of you then. In addition, the first person who comes closest to guessing how old I'll be on October 31 will receive a special gift in acknowledgment of your genius. *grins* To enter, simply respond to this email. I will choose a winner based on the timestamp of the message you send.

Which brings me to the final note. Expect another newsletter on October 31. I want to normalize the way I send out newsletters, and after that date, you will receive an email from me on the first of every month.

Now it is time to say goodbye until Halloween! Have a wonderful second half of October! And if you have friends you'd like to introduce me to, please share this link to my newsletter sign-up with them. Thank you!

À bientôt,

