Dec 01, 2023 6:52 am


Dear Reader,

For those of you who reside in the US, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was quiet, for the most part, but I'm not complaining.

This photo shows part of Market Street in Rhinebeck, NY. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, as you can see. You know what I mean ... Christmas trees on sale, holiday lights twinkling everywhere, holiday music and crushing crowds, even in the smallest towns. Many people lose themselves to spending tons of money on gifts, food, and travel, and sometimes the cost is prohibitive. I hope that however you choose to enjoy this holiday season, it won't cost you an arm and a leg. And whenever you can, bless someone less fortunate with a little love.

Now, I'd like to shout out a few of my writing colleagues with new stories, some at bargain prices, for your holiday enjoyment. First up, Darie McCoy's Controlled Desire is now available for pre-order on Amazon for $1.99. Niccoyan Zheng's My Last is ONLY $0.99! Olivia Gaines's Modern Mail Order Brides series -- with settings in various states -- is about to get a new installment. Show Me takes us to Missouri this time and you can get this newest gem on pre-order for the low price of $3.99. If you enjoy billionaire romances, the Tall, Dark, and Rich anthology, also $3.99, is right up your alley and already available. It's a limited edition, so get it before it disappears.


I'd like to thank ALL OF YOU who continue to support me by reading these emails and visiting my Amazon page to read the stories I've put in Kindle Unlimited. You've made me truly grateful to have people who enjoy reading my words. And if all goes well, I may have a bit of a surprise for you in January. Stay tuned!

Which reminds me, don't forget to put in your pre-order for the fourth book in my Twelfth Day of Christmas Romance series. Five Golden Rings will come out on January 5, 2024, when the price, which is now ONLY $1.99, will increase. Don't miss out on the deal. You'll enjoy the love story between the widow Kate and her preacher husband Jake.


Finally, just before I go, I'd love it if you would check out my TikTok page @AuthorKT to see the shenanigans and book-related activities that I post. And follow me on Facebook as well, if you're there. Remember to click on the highlighted blue links to get to the books and websites.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Happy Hanukkah, Happy Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa. If you celebrate a holiday I have not mentioned, please pardon my ignorance, and have a blast anyway!

À bientôt,

