It never rains...

Jun 13, 2023 9:54 pm



...but it pours, dear Reader!

My sincere apologies for my extended absence from your inboxes. So much has happened since my last letter, and much is still occurring, but I needed to feel in control of something, so I'm sending this out just to catch you up.

First, I'm currently in Richmond, Virginia with my youngest who is here to do a nursing externship at the Richmond Community Hospital as part of her program of study. She drove us down from where we live in the woods in New York -- because her mom hates to drive and highway driving freaks her out -- and we've been getting her situated in the apartment she's been assigned on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. Here are a few pictures.




It's a sprawling campus in the heart of Richmond, with everything a resident college student or visiting intern could wish for in terms of amenities. Her apartment is fully and independently functional (yes, like a real apartment) and everything is within easy reach either by walking or driving. Even parking isn't much of an issue when she's not in her temporary home. The hospital is in a quiet neighborhood, not the sketchy place I'd expected it to be.

In writing news, as you know, Back To Life has been out for two and a half months, and pre-orders are now ready for Tall, Dark, and Rich. Pre-orders are also now available for Orchestrated Love, the first book in a new M/M series titled No Strings Attached by A.J. Buchanan. To learn more, visit this link, where you can subscribe to AJ's WordPress blog to get updates and fan-only treats. You can also join her on Facebook here.


And so, I'm off once again. I have some ads to make, some video clips to try my hand at, and lots of writing to do. As always, I appreciate your support in whatever way you choose to give it. Have a glorious week, and happy Father's Day (June 18) to any men who have been brave enough to grace me with your subscription to my newsletter. Remember to click on the blue links above, and blessings, everyone!

À bientôt,

