Merry Everyday, Happy Always!

Jan 01, 2024 6:17 am


Happy happy, joy joy, dear Readers!

How were your holiday celebrations? However one you celebrated whichever one you did, I hope it was a delight and a joy! Whether alone or with others, we should endeavor to find joy in being alive to try again. I spent my holidays with my family and as always, just having my children and those they love close was the ultimate joy for me.

No doubt, 2023 was as eventful a year for you as it was for me. I didn't publish as many books as I'd like, attend as many conferences as I wanted to, or celebrate milestones in my life in the ways I dreamed of. Still, I ended the year with the knowledge that I did my best to make good out of bad, joy out of pain, and satisfaction out of regret.

I wrote and published five novels in two pen names in 2023, and have already written three chapters in a new one. In 2024, I will work on rebranding the first series that I published as an independent author. I will complete a second series, begin a third, and work on the fifth book in the Twelfth Day of Christmas Romance series. I will also, most likely, give Kindle Vella a try. More on that next time.

On social media, I've been working to improve my TikTok posts and to be more consistent on Facebook and Instagram. In 2024, I will continue those efforts and also work on my webpage as well as on improving my reach on the platforms I'm comfortable working on. Follow my TikTok page here to see my daily posts and share your comments with me there or by email.

And, as always, I will write. It's what I do! End the holidays on a bright note and begin your new year with Kate and Jake in Five Golden Rings.


To help me through the new challenges waiting for me in 2024, I have chosen to participate with other authors in a yearlong journaling project with the American Diary Project organization. I will chronicle my author journey for a whole year, sharing the day-to-day nitty-gritty that is my life as a writer and as a woman of a certain age. You'll have a chance to see some of it in each monthly newsletter.

I wish you all success as you define it, joy and happiness, and most of all, I wish you love in 2024! Happy New Year!

À bientôt,


PS If you're looking to send out gifts of the Serendipity ebooks or Orchestrated Love, please pardon the delay while 4 Horsemen Publications transports our books from one sales platform to another. Amazon doesn't allow more than 3 downloads per day per account, and as you can imagine, my publisher has hundreds, maybe even thousands of books that need to be moved. The third party they used, who had promised to facilitate the transfer, did not do so, hence the delay. Please accept my and 4 Horsemen's apologies!
