February Already?

Feb 01, 2024 5:08 am


Happy second month of the year, dear Reader!

Can you believe it's already February? Where did January go? Though, if yours was as dramatic as mine was--but we won't talk about that now-- I'm sure you're not sad to see the back of it. I'm having to relearn the message in the header image.

2024 will be a busy year for me, though you wouldn't know it to see how little I have managed to write in January. Still, I will persevere. I'm participating in a 100 Author Diary Project in which I share what each day in this leap year looks like in my author journey. For example, every day, my writing partner and I spend a few minutes writing two things that we're grateful for and one affirming statement about ourselves. It helps to build an attitude of gratitude.


Aside from daily gratitudes, I've set monthly reading and writing goals, and am refining my writing and publishing plan for the year. It's a process, but I'm enjoying it, despite having to overcome my OCD tendencies. You can follow me on TikTok to see the once-daily posts I make, which are part of my author journey.

Here's the lowdown on everything happening in my world this year. As you know, the fourth book in the Twelfth Day of Christmas Romance series, "Five Golden Rings", was published on January 5. Kate and Jake would love to meet you all and hear what you think of their love story. As far as new novels go, I'm working on two sets of series bibles at the moment. One is for a paranormal series and the other will be a contemporary second-chance, single-mom series. Also in the works is my first attempt at telling a serial story in Kindle Vella.

A.J. Buchanan, my alter ego, is working on Book 3 in the "No Strings Attached" series. It is due to the editor on February 22, which leaves me no more time to dilly-dally. The cover is already set and I'll do a cover reveal in the next newsletter. Book 1, "Orchestrated Love", is already out on all platforms. Book 2, "Facing the Music", will go into pre-orders soon, and is scheduled to go live at the end of March. There will be a cover reveal on the Facebook page as soon as the image is finalized.

As far as professional events go, I've so far planned to attend only two, with a possible third in October. I'll once again be a featured author at the tenth anniversary IRAE event this year. I'm looking forward to rocking the '70s look for our theme night.


Finally, two book recommendations. Olivia Gaines's latest addition to her exceptional Modern Mail Order Bride series, "Show Me", comes out on February 20, and is up for pre-order on Amazon. And Lisa Dodson's "Six Days To Live"

will keep you on the edge of your seat.



I've posted the links to the Facebook and TikTok pages and to all the books mentioned in this newsletter at the end because something's up with the formatting and it won't let me add links normally in the text.

A. J. Buchanan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorajbuchanan/

My TikTok page: https://www.tiktok.com/@authorkt/

Five Golden Rings: https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Rings-Twelfth-Christmas-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CFDH7CRD

Orchestrated Love: https://books2read.com/nostringsattached01ShowMe: https://www.amazon.com/

Show Me: https://www.amazon.com/Show-Modern-Mail-Order-Brides-ebook/dp/B0CCBQVR9V

Six Days To Live: https://www.amazon.com/Six-Days-Live-Lisa-Dodson-ebook/dp/B09TXYG865

I must away now, friends, but I can't leave without asking you to be kind enough to leave a review for any of the books listed here. We writers depend on your honest reviews.

Happy February!

À bientôt,

