Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2024 8:19 pm


Just a quickie, dear Reader!

I hope you're all having a warm and wonderful Valentine's Day, or any variation thereof. And if you observe the day, have a blessed Ash Wednesday!

I wanted to let you all know that, in keeping with my word of the year--which is 'Try"--I have started an Amazon ad and am watching to see how it affects my sales and page reads. Additionally, I'm going to be publishing my first Kindle Vella serial romance. I'll be sharing a teaser here with you ... my Valentine's Day gift to you.

I'd also like to encourage you to purchase this short story, A Valentine for Val (click on the title to get to it on Amazon) by Caribbean romance writer Kimolisa Mings. Here's a shot of the cover to give you a taste of what's inside.


Before I share my teaser, I'd like to show you what love that's not romantic can look like. My writing partner wrote this note in her journal about me. Believe me when I say, I was quite moved and I'm so grateful that I am loved. Here's what she said, in her own hand:


I love you, too, Linda Linda!

And now, the teaser, from The Pilot's Wife. *drum roll, please*

He walked with Rich back out to the front door and waited for his friend to ask the question he could see burning in his gaze.

“Who is she, really, Spence? And where have you been hiding her?” Rich’s voice was low, probably to avoid Lana overhearing their conversation.

Spence chuckled softly. “I haven’t been hiding her anywhere, man. I barely know her. We met once, at her husband’s funeral.”

“No kidding?” Rich’s brows rose so dramatically that Spence laughed ruefully.

“No kidding.”

“So why…? And did you say her husband’s funeral?” Rich’s astonishment grew.

Spence shrugged. “Damned if I know why, to be honest. But something tells me I need to pursue this. So I’m going with my gut, even though it’s also tied up in knots.”

“And why is that?” Rich asked.

“She’s Don’s widow, man.”

“Damn! You sure can pick 'em, buddy.” Rich dropped a sympathetic hand on Spence’s shoulder. “Still, we both know your gut instincts are usually on point. It won’t be the first time you’ve followed them,” Rich added, opening the door. “Just…be careful.”

Spence nodded. “Always, my friend. Always.”

Well, it's back to work for me now. I need to have enough of the story to begin posting without falling behind. I hope you will all support me in this new venture. I'll let you know when it begins.

Enjoy this beautiful image on this beautiful day!


À bientôt,

