Marketing the problems and solutions - Part 3

Oct 23, 2023 9:18 pm


Continuing from the last edition...

Knowing what we know now. How does that translate to a tactical plan for the digital marketing agency?

We know the following:

  1. Clinics are not easy to reach. Everyone is busy.
  2. The agency will target clinics that do not have an online presence or a poor presence.
  3. There are competitors offering various software and marketing solutions.
  4. Clinics don't understand digital marketing jargon. (assume some market research was done)

Some tactics to gather a list of Clinics:

  • Scrape a list of clinics listed on Google Maps. All clinics get listed by people tagging clinics.
  • Google Maps will provide some information like phone number, email, and website.

Clinics that have email ids will be selected as our target market. (You can come up with other criteria). Assuming that a clinic that does not even have an email id, may not be ready for digital marketing services.

Here are the things to avoid

  • Cold calls to sell. Since clinics are busy, they will not listen to a pitch. At the maximum a call will help get an email id or contact person name.
  • Meeting in-person is not scalable. Create a marketing plan that ensures the clinics reach out over call or video call.
  • Avoid going after too many cities. One city at a time is faster. Same marketing plan will work.

The Marketing Plan

Scraping email ids give us a few options for marketing and generating leads. We will use FB and Instagram. Everybody logs on to these platforms once in a while. Let's start at the top of the funnel.

Top of the funnel

  • Post informational content on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Boost the posts using ads.
  • Use the emails to create a custom audience and boost the posts to these audience.
  • Move the people who interact with the content to the next stage.

Middle of the funnel

  • Write a whitepaper explaining how clinics can get more patients using digital marketing.
  • Market this whitepaper to the audience who have interacted with previous posts. Bring them to your website if possible, and collect their information.
  • Write more such content and promote to the same group.

Bottom of the funnel

  • Run ads on FB and Instagram to target the custom audience that has interacted with posts and downloaded the whitepaper.
  • Target to bring them to a WhatsApp chat.
  • Then set up call or send them a 5 minute video.
  • Now you have a qualified and nurtured lead.

We will continue in the next edition with Acquiring the client (sales).


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
