Marketing the problems and solutions

Oct 21, 2023 5:48 pm


From the last edition of the newsletter we figured out that creating a customer for our Digital marketing agency involved the following steps.

  1. Choosing a target customer. (the agency will target clinics)
  2. Finding the right problem to solve. (the agency has discovered a good problem to solve)
  3. Marketing the problem and the solution to Clinics.
  4. Acquiring the clinics as customers.

Since we have already made some assumptions for step 1 and 2, we will focus on step 3.

Let's analyse the approach to marketing for our Digital agency from the lens of fundamental principles.

Fundamental Principles of Marketing

Here are the 5 fundamental principles of marketing that i figured out from various sources and my experience. Do you agree with this list?

  • Customers hire products and services to do a job
  • All customers differ
  • All customers change over time
  • Competitors copy
  • Limited resources

Customers hire products and services to do a job

It is common sense. We buy products and hire services to do a job. The job may be emotional or functional.

Remember the Jobs-to-be-done framework discussion? Just follow the steps to arrive at the job the customer is trying to get done.

In this example the clinics are trying to get more patients to discover them on digital channels. It is logical to assume that the patients will be using Google searches to discover "clinics near me" or "doctors near me".

We can conclude that the clinics want patients to find them on Google search.

All customers differ

Of course, all human beings are unique, and we differ from each other due to thousands of factors from environment to experiences.

How does this help us market better? Understanding that different customers understand the problems and solution from their perspective helps. We can formulate our approach based on how well the customer understands the problem and the solutions. (Level of awareness of the customers)

It also helps to create communication for customers at various levels of awareness.

All customers change over time

As the market is exposed to solutions the customer demand from the solutions increase. The market is not satisfied with the basic solution. They want more. (Stage of Market Sophistication)

Understanding where your competition is in terms of the solution they provide. As well as how they communicate with the market is important.

Continued in the next edition....


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
