26 - Acquiring the client (sales)

Oct 25, 2023 8:11 pm


An agency is ready to sell when it is certain about the market, the problem to solve, the competition, and business model.

How do we sell?

What are the fundamental principles of Sales?

Sales, the mystic arts with millions of practitioner and few methods of practising it. Did you know that sales was not a subject taught in the early days of MBA courses?

Makes you wonder why?!

Maybe, it is not susceptible to academic theorising. OR may be any theory can be quickly validated/ disproven in the field. (A discussion for another time)

The practise of selling something is as old as the barter system. The barter system evolved to trade, and then to our currency based systems.

The skill of sales is old.

Something this old works because there are fundamental principles that can be repeated again and again.

Here are the fundamental principles for this very ancient skill...

  1. It is an exchange of value. (Your solution in exchange for the client's money.)
  2. Handle objections well. (Client should not feel cheated.)
  3. It is between 2 human beings. (Be nice. You will have to go back to the client at some point.)

That is it.

Is it that simple?

Google "Fundamental principles of sales", you will get many article with 7-step, 11-step, 21-step processes.

Making simple things complicated because the other party has something to

sell you. I call it "Artificial Complexity."

Sales is simple. It take practise to make it easy.

Back to our example

In our examples a Digital Marketing agency is trying to acquire Clinics as clients. The agency wishes to get the clinic more patients from digital channels like Google Search.

Based on the marketing plan, the agency should be getting a good number of leads.

How do we close the deal?

More on this tomorrow...


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
