A handy dandy list for this week

Jun 28, 2022 3:34 pm

Hey there ,

Before I write you email, I always think 'what would be the most useful thing that I can share with them today?'

Today, I had a bunch of answers, and so you're getting a handy dandy list of useful things today :).

1. If selling feels awful, if you'd like to make more offers but you also think that more = spam, then please come to the workshop live in my FB group tomorrow.

I'm going to share how I make at least three offers/invitations every day, without being spammy, without driving myself bananas, without confusing anyone, and without doing extra work.

It's live in Teachers in Business at noon est!

2. If you haven't played Celebration Bingo yet, go grab your board and get on it!

The emails back about people's bingos have been AMAZING to read, AND I know having a board helped people notice WAY. MORE. things they could and should celebrate.

If you didn't get the email with the board, hit reply, I'm happy to send it.

And congratulations to the big bingo WINNER, Jennifer Nichols. 13 squares checked off is a LOT of celebration. Jennifer, your prize will be headed YOUR WAY asap!

3. If you're stressed out about TIME right now - in particular spending enough time to create value for your people and your business, please (please) remember this:


Time and value are NOT connected the way we think they are. Amount of time spent does NOT dictate the amount of progress you make, the amount of value you create, or the amount of value you HAVE. Period.

4. If you are trying like crazy to work smarter not harder this summer, and feel instead like you're really just banging your head on the wall, it's time for coaching.

Starting today will mean that before the end of the summer you'll KNOW which things actually move your business forward day in and day out, you'll know WHAT to do and HOW to do it, and you'll know WHY it's the right plan for you.

Plus you'll have someone here (me!) to help you stay accountable, make adjustments, and navigate the curves, bumps, potholes, and crazy drivers on the road to success.

This is how success is created, the simple way. If you're ready, book a time to chat here.

5. Try on one of these three thoughts, and see how it changes how you feel about what's working, about your business, and about your progress today.

  • I always have time to do the things that matter.
  • I trust myself, my timing, and my process.
  • I am open to welcoming what's next for me.

These three are my go-tos right now, and have been for quite a while. Maybe at least one of them will be useful for YOU today.

Happy Tuesday!!


