3 Invitations a day the simple way

Jun 22, 2022 6:58 pm

Hey hey ,

Earlier this year my coach and I decided that I should focus on offers/invitations, and that I should keep count.

We went back and forth with some different approaches and finally decided on - much to my initial dismay - on goal being 3 invitations a day.

This felt INSANE to me.

Like, crazy. Like alllll I would be doing all the time was selling. Like people would HATE me because of all the selling. Like it would be spammy, and also like I would run out of things to say FAST.


But I decided to try it because I knew that I needed to be making more invitations.

I also knew that I wanted to err on the side of going TOO far rather than not far enough. I wanted to OVERsell rather than UNDERsell.

So, off I went.

This is the part where I want to say 'fast forward to today, and things are great!' - which is true, but also it didn't feel quite that simple.

There were (are) growing pains.

I had to find a system to deciding what to offer and for keeping track of what I was doing that I could live with and that fit me.

I had to find a way to make sure I was actually talking about ALL of the things I offer - the free ones AND the paid ones - without making myself crazy.

I had to (and continue to) do the mindset work to think differently about the value of all of these invitations, and about how people would/could respond.

And I had to keep track of what was working, and what wasn't.

It took time.

It took thought.

It STILL takes time and thought.



I have a system. It's simple and clean and easy for me to (mostly) follow.

I have a way to track. It's also simple and clean and easy for me to (mostly) do.

And I have data about the results of making more invitations in an intentional and organized way.

The third month of me following my plan (really, the 2nd, because the 1st month I was making as I went, ha!) I made more in my business in 30 days than ever before - and almost more than I'd made the previous 4 months combined.

I KNOW that this is because I am focused on MORE invitations.

And next week I'm going to teach exactly how I made this change in my business in my FB group, Teachers in Business.

I'm going to share my process AND also share what I have discovered are the key ingredients to this process so that you can take it and make it YOURS.

This isn't about me telling you to use my process - rather this is about me sharing my version and then helping you find a version that works for YOU.

It's going to be SO GOOD.

If you aren't in my FB group, come join right now here.

Then, mark your calendar for 12 noon EST on 6/29.

If you can join us live, cool.

If you live around the other side of the planet, or you just have other things to do, that's cool too - the replay will be in the group when you are ready.

And if you have questions between now and then?

Hit reply and let's talk about them.

Here's to MORE invitations with MORE ease.



PS. If you know you need to be making more invitations, but you aren't sure what you offer, where to invite, how to invite, or who you are talking to a 1:1 conversation is the way to go.

Sign up for a One-Bite coaching call where we'll clarify ALL things around your offer in 90 minutes, OR sign up for a free coaching consultation to talk about working together 1:1 for 6 months.

Getting offers and pricing clear, settled, and simplified makes success SIMPLE.

If you want to simplify success, coaching is the way. Sign up with the links above, or hit reply and tell me what you're ready to talk about!
