What Might We Learn From Parler?

Parler had a fascinating history full of security vulnerabilities, rapid scale, and an even more rapid shutdown. In some regards, it’s like the story of Icarus, who failed to heed good advice and fell to his death. People’s reactions to Parler’s shut...

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Jan 12, 2021
Agile Transformation in 4 Acts

I’m a big believer in agility, and I often help my clients find ways to take steps in growing their agility. Unfortunately, that means I also get tangled up in “Transformations.” Here’s how I typically see it play out, and some things I’d rather try...

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Jan 06, 2021
The Shapes of User Stories

I often wind up helping groups understand some aspects of agility and Scrum. One common topic that seems to confuse groups is user stories. I want to go over several shapes they tend to appear in and close with my desired one. Hopefully, you’ll see t...

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Dec 31, 2020
How I’m Building My First Online Class

I published my first book Land the Job, early in 2020, which led to many other ideas. One of those was to create some online courses to walk people through the book’s content in various ways. So I started putting together my first course, which cover...

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Dec 23, 2020
Feature Soup

Most product people often struggle to know when they’ve added the right mixture of features and complexity to make a product that customers like. Far more often, they wind up in a situation I call “Feature soup.” The soup has everything you could wan...

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Dec 16, 2020
Tell Me About Yourself

Quite often, we find ourselves in jobs or roles that don’t make sense to us. It could be because they aren’t defined or because the definition always seems to change. How can you thrive if you don’t know how to succeed? One way you can change that is...

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Dec 08, 2020
Should I Go Back to School?

A question I get asked a lot by the people I coach is, “Should I go back to school?” They often ask this as they struggle to navigate the ridiculous interviews companies put them through. So, should they go back?

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Dec 03, 2020
How I Set Goals

Whether it is performance reviews, personal, strategic, or yearly, goal-setting is an important skill to develop. I find myself often helping leaders articulate and shape theirs, and today I want to cover a few basics about them.

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Nov 30, 2020
The Emperor’s New Clothes

I was reading old fables to my kid a bit ago and read him The Emperors New Clothes. Two things struck me at the end. First, how little I remembered about the story, and second how strong of analogy it is for what I encounter as I consult in companies...

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Nov 24, 2020