Some days this is how I write to you...Join Us: 11 a.m. ET Wed, May 11thMixing Babies And Business™ 🌷 Spring MeetupScroll for your parent-friendly news, events and opportunities ⬇️I'm leaving the house this month to speak about remote work with kids...
🌷🎉 I'm hosting our first event of 2022!Whether you're setting out to build a startup, launch a small business, remote work, freelance or seeking a career change, you're welcome to join us.Register HereMEETUP AGENDA:10:50 a.m. – Diaper cha...
Your Mixing Babies And Business™ News and a gift for youScroll for your parent-friendly news, events and opportunities ⬇️But first I wanted to remind you of a free resource I created in 2018 👀 that is still relevant today!I created a mini guide a fe...
Quick email on a Tuesday (I'm back in your inbox this Friday with regular news / events / opportunities) to share time-sensitive (and exciting) Mixing Babies And Business™ news!Feature your business on Season 4 of the Mixing Babies And Business™ Podc...
The duality of my third kid thoughts, three months inScroll for your parent-friendly news, events and opportunities ⬇️Having a winter baby has been harder for me than having summer babies.I think it's the routine we've got going, baby is pretty attac...
If you're receiving this again, I apologize but I've realized my email only went to part of my list last Friday. #techfailTLDR: I'm looking for your messages for Season 4 of the Mixing Babies And Business™ Podcast (scroll to hit record and submit!)Pa...
Eight weeks into the fourth trimester with baby number three and this is how I #breakthebias with my current home office setup.I have a nursing couch, change and sleep station alongside my tech supplies. Much of my work is done in 10-1...
Happy New Year (I'm a bit late to the party).But it's because during the first week of 2022, we welcomed our third baby to the family! I've attempted to write this newsletter in my head a few times. But then I get distracted and delay it another week...
It's come to this: The only way the podcast episodes have been getting edited, produced and promoted this past month has been on a yoga ball.Season 3 of the Mixing Babies And Business™ Podcast has been a bit unique for me, as it's the first time I've...
This photo was taken five (5) years ago this week in England by a friend on one of our many walks around London with our new babies...hard to believe!Although I still have the kid (he's much bigger), jacket (stored in Ireland for now) and boots (only...