👀 Parent-friendly business news, events + funding will be back in two weeks... A NOTE FROM AMYI don't always share my pre-parenthood stories but when I began entering startup spaces in 2016 with our first baby, it's something I tapped int...
👀 Scroll for parent-friendly business news, events + funding opportunities – but first... A NOTE FROM AMY💌 TOMORROW – February 14th @ 12 pm (ET) – is our first virtual meetup of the year!RSVP for the community and you’ll receive instant...
👀 Stay tuned for your parent-friendly news, events and opportunities next Feb 14th weekend but for now... A NOTE FROM AMYHow To Prepare For Brand Business Photos With Young Kids 🚼📊Another mini IG livestream lesson from me (scroll for Y...
👀 Scroll for parent-friendly business news, events + funding opportunities – but first... A NOTE FROM AMY💌 This is a newsletter unlike many previously......because this is a time unlike before. With all of the announcements of cuts to fu...
👀 Stay tuned for your parent-friendly news, events and opportunities this Friday January 31st but for now... A NOTE FROM AMYSince mid December I've been working from my phone...a LOT.Between brain injury flare ups, two out of three kids...
👀 Scroll for parent-friendly business news, events + funding opportunities – but first... A NOTE FROM AMY💌 My invitation to you...I've been called to put something accessible, inclusive and community focused out there — in addition to my...
👀 Scroll for parent-friendly business news, events + funding opportunities – but first: The Mixing Babies And Business™ Community is relaunching! 🎊 A NOTE FROM AMYHappy New Year! ✨️ I've decided I'd like to pay it forward in 2025.Becau...
A NOTE FROM AMYI'm resurfacing from the fall-to-winter blur in Canada, after baking hundreds of cookies and swapping plans for impromptu appointments. Our family doctor has seen us more in 2024 than I'd care to admit. Different year, same...
🎊 Happy Small Business Week (in Canada) and a reminder registration closes today for the Changemaker Program in 2024: TODAY Oct 22nd ⬇️ A NOTE FROM AMYYesterday morning I woke up to get ready for a Startup Canada breakfast hosted for entr...
👀 Scroll for parent-friendly business news, events + funding opportunities –but first register to join us before: Oct 22nd @ 12 p.m. (ET) ⬇️ A NOTE FROM AMY📢 ✨ The Changemaker Program is now open for registration:For parents who want t...