📆 Less than 24 hours to go! Grab your last minute tickets valid for 1 parent + kid(s) for tomorrow's meetupTHE DETAILS: Friday, October 28th 2022 (TOMORROW!)10 a.m. Arrival + Networking ft. continental breakfast catered by 692 Coffee and Bar, Scrumm...
📆 Only 3 days left to get your tickets: Our next meetup is Oct 28thTLDR: We're in person at Bayview Yards Invest Ottawa this Friday morning from 10 - 11:30 a.m., tickets are on sale until then but space is limited! We will be talking with Julia Sl...
So much news, such short attention spans!The important / time sensitive info for you to scroll + act as you wish:Update #1: I'm teaming up with Startup Canada to host the first-ever Parentpreneur Lounge at next week's Startup Day Conference in Ottawa...
I've been re-integrating back into school season while trying to wean a baby. How has your September been?I am grateful we can do in person learning and have been enjoying the regular routines we're getting into. But sleep. Oh, sleep. You ever elusiv...
😎🎉 Grab your snacks + jump online to join us in 30 minutes from your mobile or desktop deviceJoin Via ZoomTODAY: Thursday, August 11th, 2022 STARTING SOON: 11:00-11:30 AM ET (Toronto/New York)ZOOM LOGIN:https://us02web.zoom.us/j...
😎🎉 Join us from your mobile or desktop device next Thursday at 11 a.m. (ET)!Whether you're setting out to build a startup, launch a small business, remote work, freelance or seeking a career change, you're welcome to join us.Register HereMEETUP AGE...
This week I recorded an online workshop alongside my youngestThe topic was 'Baby In The Boardroom: Pitching + Presenting With Kids' and my 6-month-old baby decided to wake up early from his nap, so I brought him with me to the session, where I covere...
It's been a few weeks since I last wrote to you.We've been riding the 'long allergies or is it a summer cold?' / end of school year / start of summer camps / COVID positive / isolating at home rollercoaster for the past month. So this newsletter took...
This week I did another speaking gig while babywearing on stageI travelled to Montreal from Ottawa solo on the train with my 4-month-old and my husband joined us later that evening. I did a talk about 'Remote work with kids' on stage while babyw...
🌷🎉 We're meeting online at 11 AM!Whether you're setting out to build a startup, launch a small business, remote work, freelance or seeking a career change, you're welcome to join us.Connect + Cowork NowMEETUP AGENDA:10:50 a.m. – Diaper c...