Dear humans, This is one of the complex strays. This kitty is a cutie, and both the male and the female are guilty of trying to lure this cutie home. This cutie wants nothing to do with the male or the female. But is this cutie not just precious? Loo...
Dear humans, Hooray! Today is the day! Dirty Deeds can now be purchased at your favorite retailers! When the going gets tough, the tough get their hands dirty. Join NY Times Bestselling author Faith Hunter, USA Today Bestselling author R.J. Blain, an...
Dear humans, The female’s day has been less than stellar. She had to deal with yet another armchair editor incident. Add in a lot of administration-type work she needed to do, by the time she got to the ‘write book’ portion of her day, she was out of...
Dear humans, The female claimed she would be doing a Book Faire today… she picked up a book, and read. And then she kept reading. Then she read until her eyes went all droopy, and then she remembered she was supposed to do the book faire. After pooch...
Dear humans, The male got the female a light for Christmas. It arrived today. It changes color at her whim. She uses the tiny glowy box to control it. She likes it very much, and keeps taking it off its stand to show the male. The first five or so ti...
Dear humans, The female is fuming a little. It’s a little silly of her to be so annoyed over this, but… when they renewed, they did their apartment documentation, including a statement showing the insurance policy was on auto-renewal and all supporti...
Dear humans, We made it! It is 2021! Today, Dipshit the Truck went in for his first doctor’s appointment. It was free. And apparently, his next oil change will also be free because the dealership was so slow doing his maintenance? (We don’t know if w...
Dear humans, It is 10 PM, roughly, where the female lives. She’s made her resolutions for the year. The big one is ‘move out of this fucking apartment.’ Then she has ‘do better at cleaning, work less, play more.’ Standard stuff, but good stuff. Mostl...
Dear humans, Life is happening in the Blain household. The female is hopeful change may come sooner than later. The male proposed potentially moving. The female was like please? Then the male mentioned having to talk to work, and the female went from...
Dear humans, The female’s current status is tired, but she is doing her best. She is very much looking forward to when Wild Wolf is done and she can take a few days to just sleep. Or something like that. Probably sleep. She does like her sleep. Onto...