Interesting.Isn't it?Isn't it interesting?That thing that just happened.What just happened could be interesting.Rather than a "bad thing that happened."Or a "good thing that happened."It's just interesting.Just interpretation.Interpretation is everyt...
Measure up to.Match up to.Come up to.Reach.Satisfy.Fulfill.AchieveMeet.EqualBe on a level.Compare.Fit the bill.Hold a candle to.Be good enough.Live up to nothing.
How?How can we?How can we help?How can we help any human being alive?Be silent for a moment.And truly listen.Listen like both your lives depend on it.It doesn't matter what is said.It only matters how intently you listen.Listening like that is beyond...
There is no “us."There is no “them.”No "us" thinking.No "them" thinking.No "us" speaking.No "them" speaking.No "us" acting.No "them" acting.Only minds.Only never minds.
We do things to relieve the pain of isolation.Because in 2020 that's what we do.We do things to diminish the loneliness.Because in 2020 that's what we do.We wonder when this will end.Because in 2020 that's what we do.We say, “No one knows for sure.”B...
Thoughts.Incessant thinking.It’s what your brain does.It can’t stop.Ever.No matter how hard you try.Trying only makes it more impossible.Let your thoughts do what they will.And, oh boy, will they.Start to notice the space in between your thoughts.It...