This is a bit different than my usual email updates

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,I know this is a little different from my usual emails, but I want to take a moment to be real with you guys. I hope you'll humor me.As a high school teacher, I've had the great honor...

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Apr 03, 2023
Is the end the most important part of a story?

________________________Dear reader,The longer I write stories, the more I realize that each individual aspect of writing is its own unique skill. Talent in world-building doesn't transfer to talent in writing dialogue. Good plotting doesn't equal go...

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Mar 16, 2023
Is medieval fantasy a dying genre?

___________________________Dear reader,Once upon a time, our dear Grandpa Tolkien wrote a series so spectacular, so genre-defining, that it set the gold standard for fantasy world building. A Song of Ice and Fire, The Wheel of Time, even Dungeons and...

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Mar 02, 2023
How do you prefer to read books?

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,The more involved I get in various fantasy communities, the more I realize that we each have our own (often rigid) preferences of how we like to consume books.I, for example, love the...

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Jan 03, 2023
I've gotta tell you about this guy at the library...

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,I love libraries. Like, a lot. In fact I love them so much that I often go to my local library to write. It's a place of tranquility, you know? Serenity. A place where creativity can...

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Dec 16, 2022
Updates, audiobooks, and exploding toilets

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,Last night I had a plan. A good plan. A noble plan.I got both my boys to bed early, set my alarm to 3 AM, popped a melatonin, and slipped into the sheets at 8 PM. You see, I was going...

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Dec 01, 2022
Book 4 is nearly done, friends

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,Waning Haven, book 4 of The Sum of Ages, is coming along nicely! Currently sitting at 135K words of an estimated 160K. I'm really excited for this one, and planning on a launch first...

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Nov 15, 2022
Do books ever scare you?

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,Do books ever scare you?In honor of Halloween, I've been pondering this question. Do certain types of media frighten you more than others? Books? Movies? Podcasts? Video games? The sc...

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Nov 01, 2022
Anyone interested in some review copies?

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,My wife and I finally started watching Rings of Power, which is pretty neat. It's certainly not at the same tier as the original Lord of the Rings movies, but it's definitely worth a...

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Oct 17, 2022
Corrected link for "Torched Feathers"

_______________________________________________________Hi All,Something went wrong in the previous email and the link for "Torched Feathers" wasn't clickable for some. Thank you to those of you who let me know and here's the corrected link.Download "...

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Oct 03, 2022