What kinds of books will our kids read?

________________________Dear reader,I'm currently sitting in an almost-empty English classroom. School is in session, and I have a lesson prepared, but less than a third of the normal number of kids are here. The rooms are barren. The hallways silent...

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Sep 16, 2024
Alright, help me settle a bet...

________________________Dear reader,I need your help settling a bet.Here's the context: the other day I got into a fight with one of my students. No, not that kind of a fight. Calm down. It was one of those "kid, I respect you, and you're totally ent...

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Aug 18, 2024
Is it also 109 degrees where you're at? Gross.

___________________Dear reader,When life gets you down, what do you do? When it's a million degrees outside, and politics resemble the fall of the Roman republic, and that bloody thistle keeps growing back in the crack in your driveway no matter how...

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Jul 16, 2024
You know what fantasy needs more of? Big stuff.

____________________________Dear reader,Like most of you out there, I recently saw Dune: Part 2. But unlike most of you, I walked away with one, distinct, burning question on my mind...Why the heck doesn't fantasy have more megafauna?I mean, just thi...

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Mar 26, 2024
PSA: Fairies are scary, not cute.

_________________________Dear reader,As you know, it was Valentine's Day last week, and (like any self-respecting high school teacher) I did my darnedest to spoil the whole hormonal affair for my kids.We discussed its pagan roots to Roman Lupercalia...

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Feb 18, 2024
You guys remember Snowmageddon, right?

___________________________Dear reader,Back in 2017, we here in the Treasure Valley were hit by a ferocious series of winter storms which we all lovingly dubbed "Snowmageddon" (or the "Snowpocalypse" if you were in Canyon County).With this year shapi...

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Jan 19, 2024
Fantasy feasts and fesitvals

___________________________Dear reader, You know how I know I'm a fantasy nerd? I can't just sit back and enjoy the holiday season without relating it to world-building... Brace yourself. Whenever things start getting festive, my mind...

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Dec 25, 2023
Some pretty cool news, you guys...

___________________________Dear reader,Happy Thanksgiving all!First off, I'd like to thank each of you that were able to attend my writing workshop a few weeks back. It was an absolute blast, and the session completely sold out with quite a few still...

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Nov 25, 2023
Want to take a writing class with me?

_______________________________________________________Dear reader,I've got some pretty neat news for all of you in the Boise/Treasure Valley area. On November 16th, I'll be teaching a writing workshop through a local organization called The Cabin. M...

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Oct 20, 2023