Hey there guys!I'm live and at your service:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2688371258I'll be on till 1:30pm WATBefore the powers that be come for me.CTM
Hey there guys!I was supposed to be online today from noon.Unfortunately I can't do that anymore today.But we're good for tomorrow and thursday at noon each day.So sorry about the abrupt change.See you soon.CTM
Hey there!So by now you must have seen that the content for week 4 is up already.In order to offer extra support for those of us who need it...I'll be live for 90mins each day of Tuesday through thursday to support you in the final steps of nailing y...
Hey there guys!Here's the link to the coaching session from last week:https://vimeo.com/562659311/23022a7c04Prefer to download?https://vimeo.com/user70496744/download/562659311/fcb5a21ed6This week is all about the solutionframe:Here's the training vi...
Hey there people:If you've been following along..By now you should be crystal clear about the problem that you solve.This week is all about identifying your unfair advantagesClick here to download this week's resourceHere's a follow up bonus training...
Hey there guys!Week two content is live.This week the focus is on getting our solution frame settled.Once we get that done...The product is pretty much ready and we're ready to hit the streets.This week...I've added a bonus worksheet just incase you...
Hey there guys!Here's the content for week 2:https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ0Ad9XZCCInPNFol4fT9LYDVyq23hClWzqVOur session for the week will take place at 5pm as earlier sheduled.Got questions?Please send them in advance via email, so we ma...
Hey there...Here's the link to yesterday's replay.https://vimeo.com/555599536/53ecc6cdfaIf you havn't registered for these sessions yet...Here's the link for our weekly sessions:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sdemrrzsqHdNUIwFUYzc-JYMroIk...
Hey there people!Here's the workbook I promised to sendhttps://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZeTJ9XZvfClCr1UMv4rXGjdDlcFCjLWqMRyIt contains our focus for the week.Concerning our session for tomorrow...I'll have to move things further and have it a...
Hey there!Ready or not...It's a brand new week....Life is not slowing down any time soon...Quick question...What should you be doing right now...and how do you know if you’re making the right move?I bring up this question of “making the right move” b...