Hey there I. Am. So. Excited!!!Today is the first day of Brand Acceleration.By now you should have logged into our 97 days academy.If you haven't yet done so:Search for an email from "Acadle Notifications" and with the Subject "Invitation To The 97 D...
Hey there!Tomorrow's D-Day..But way ahead of that I'm sending you access invites to our academy where you'll access all your training resources and bonuses.In a moment you'll get an email with the subject Invitation to the 97 day challenge...The Send...
Hey there people!First off...In my last email I asked what I could do for you...Your responses proved one basic thing to me:Birds of a feather actually do flock together...Considering that I'm generally considered as borderline insane...Go figure...#...
Hey there !This is Victor Ekpo Bassey - Your Chief Tribemaster.I want to say thank you and congratulations on your decision to invest in YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS through the Brand Acceleration Workshop.All things equal, by the time we're done on Friday 6t...
Hey there I hope you're having a great week. I just want to ask you, based on what you know about me and what I do:How can I help you best at the moment?Just hit reply and let me know!CTM
Hey there Just a quick heads up...The opportunity to get access to my content generating platform that creates every single content for your marketing campaigns...I'm talking...Your entire email nurture sequence so you never have to worry what to do...
Hey there Here's something I've come to know for sure...Every coach, consultant and course creator goes through the same thing... You start out super motivated with big plans to launch your awesome product and skyrocket your impact and income.&n...
Hey there guys!I'm pretty sure you've noticed that this has been my laziest year ever!Sparse posts inside the facebook group...Few emails from me...And goodness me....No. Thursday. Night. Services.What in God's name is happening to Victor Ekpo Bassey...
Hey there guys,Here's the link for today at noon:Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/2688371258Meeting ID: 268 837 1258If you need help with putting your trust amplifier video together...Hop in and I'll see what I can do to help.Victor
Hey there people!It's been a minute...Literally just got back into lagos and have to be on my way out again...I thought we'd be able to meet tonight but it doesn't look that way at all.I'm so sorry...But I'll make it up to you.See you when I'm back.C...