Hey there people!Here's the link to today's class:https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/OUfVhSdPDEaC3aNjfDR1EvwtX7TnDN8zkdZrMkFfARDrXqtcxYEJC4odK4zs6ZEL.fy3EGShVk8YdXqNWLike I said...I'll be live tomorrow from 9am...Just incase you need help with anythin...
Hello ,So last night I sent out an email with content for today.Why?Because I wasn't sure I'd have the time write out a proper lesson this morning.But I kinda sorta goofed...I didn't change the subject for the email after I cloned it from the previou...
Hey there Today is the day...And to be honest I can't wait to meet you.Class starts today at 10am.If you still haven't registered please do so here...https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdu2srjMpHNDNYCI7WcCfBFDxL0aV17DVPlease be on time...I s...
Hello ,Today we’re going to take a closer look at the first step of creating a wildly profitable recurring revenue program, which is to determine your Market Criteria.The four parts include determining:Your market.The topic.The angle/slant.The brand...
Hello ,Yesterday at SHINE was fun!!When I got home yesterday and was documenting the day...One key lesson stood out:Simply commit to producing a result for your clients and get paid in advance for doing so...Question: But CTM what if I'm not sure I c...
Hello ,So today's all about my live in person workshop for Coaches: SHINE!Got to get on the road in a moment so I pretty much don't have a lot of time.That means we'll continue our conversation about recurring revenue on monday..For today though...I'...
Hey there !This is Victor Ekpo Bassey - Your Chief Tribemaster.I want to say thank you and congratulations on your decision to invest in YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS through the Brand Acceleration Workshop.All things equal, by the time we're done on Friday 8t...
Hello ,So yesterday we started the conversation about recurring revenue.Today I want to share the five main components of successful recurring revenue opportunity.Component #1: Market CriteriaThis is where you pick your target market, your topic, yo...
Hello ,As promised...Starting today I'll be spending sometime this week...Sharing a few ideas about how you can start to bring the power of recurring in into your business.But before we get into all that...It's important for you to have a grounding i...
Hey there So yesterday I got this "getting to know victor" from from one of my clients Crystal Chigbu, founder of The Irede Foundation.I'd just finished a workshop I was doing and popped into her office to say hi..Click here to check it out...WARNING...