Hey there guys!Thank you for the time you game me this week.To say I had fun, would be the understatement of the year.I totally loved hanging out with you.Here's the recording for yesterday's session:https://vimeo.com/626418782/752ad12c97.If you're l...
Hello ,We're now at the fifth component you need to snap into place to run your recurring revenue program...I'm talking about your Monthly Calendar.Here we’ll talk about the three things you need to do every month, including:Sourcing, which is where...
Hello ,It's been pretty interesting hanging out with my current students at the Brand Acceleration Workshop...This morning I got feedback from one of the participants who based on the results of her Tribemaster Quotient assessment...Renegotiated her...
Hey there there,Here's the recording for today:https://vimeo.com/625361409/cb508e4c6aHere're the bonuses I promised:The 7 posts of social influencehttps://vimeo.com/269443908/ac3d6a42d4Training on the Tribemaster's messaging matrixSee you tomorrow.CT...
Hello ,The next component of setting up your recurring revenue program is to do your Metrics Calculation.This is where you crunch a few numbers in order to figure out how much you’ll charge in order to make yourdesired income.First, we’ll start by lo...
Hey there there,Here's the recording for today:https://vimeo.com/624400421/fd676d32aaHere's the worksheet I promised:https://mega.nz/file/Rk1wXZYA#2PjyqZKQz0DqD5keZDt-Ib-JDPffpyQpkbJkwOaZn1UHere's the recording for previous classes...just in case you...
Hello ,Welcome to the third lesson in our series about creating recurring revenue...Today..We’re going to look at the next component of starting a recurring revenue program: Model Choice.This is where you’re going to take a look at your business goal...
Hey there there,Here's the recording for today:https://vimeo.com/623359910/7c21aed8beYour Assignment?Simply go over the training again...Answer the following questions: What do your dream clients dream of...?What do they fear....?What do they need......
Hello ,It's Brand Acceleration season for me and things tend to get a bit hectic..Yesterday I was fun...I've got this amazing set of people with me from 4 continents.Anyways..After class...I went to work building my practice as usual...Only to find o...
Hey there So sorry...Just found I sent you the wrong replay link.Here's the correct one:https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/LZ-ufr9_v39hUpAlqsojTDuZ44J2E7Df-0SNNnzLVREH0GuVnSYYtJ7sdmlQ1vd8.yFgEXykXzxzX_gzo?startTime=1633338850000CTM