Hey there, ! Playing the Offer Game last month was SO MUCH FUN.And I've had more than a handful of people tell me they've saved the prompts and kept playing over the last few weeks, which is also SO fun.But also?Kind of complicated... The people who...
Hey there, ,It turns out that July is when all the good stuff happens.While this is true every. single. year, it always seems to surprise me. Maybe it's because I expect July to be quiet, doing less, and a slower speed (which is also definitely never...
Hey there, ,I am here today to share the best news ever. Ready?You are not the only one who avoids stuff, especially uncomfortable business stuff.And the way I know this FOR SURE is because I am over here right now this very minute doing it too (in f...
Hey there, ,If you're in the midst of the same heat wave (which really is my weather, btw) we are, then it's HOT. And I'd love to tell you that just reading this email will keep you cool... but really? Not happening. Sorry ;)However... I DO have some...
Hey there, ,One of the biggest lies in business (ahem, life...) is that we have to have 'our ducks in a row' before we do... well, anything.Friend.This is just such complete and utter bullshit.And it's SUCH A BARRIER to progress - YOUR progress.Why?B...
Hey there, ,Short, sweet, and to the point here it is.Come join us in Selling for Weirdos. When you consistently show up with confidence and conviction - comfortable with your value AND your process - you'll sell MORE, you'll make MORE money and you'...
Hey there, ,Happy Friday :)There is ONE key idea that came out of coaching this week that I think might be helpful for you too.The alternative to pressure is fun.What? Well. Here's the thing.Pressure, and the pressure we put on ourselves to succeed,...
Hi again, ,First, my brain says that if I send you two emails BOTH today that I'll melt and you'll hate me - but I know neither of those things are true :)Second, after 3 people have asked how to get to the course, it became clear that I really *shou...
Hey there, ! The last new game in the Offer Game posted yesterday.So it's over... right?Welllll... if you know me at all, you know we're definitely not finished yet (ha!).First, since it didn't matter when you played which game (and still doesn't) yo...
Hey there, ,In third grade I had a teacher (a nun, actually, Sr. Dolorita - and she was my FAVE!) who loved to play all kinds of bingo on Fridays (yes, it was always learning bingo, but still bingo). Even just thinking of it this morning makes me smi...