It's over but also not exactly over :)

Jun 11, 2024 2:15 pm

Hey there, !

The last new game in the Offer Game posted yesterday.

So it's over... right?

Welllll... if you know me at all, you know we're definitely not finished yet (ha!).

First, since it didn't matter when you played which game (and still doesn't) you still have 2 days to keep playing. Prizes will be drawn on Thursday 6/13 --- and until then, play as much as you like :) (even do something crazy like play a game you enjoyed AGAIN, whattt.) :)

Second, today's task is to take a moment sometime this week to do a quick evaluation.

[yes, it matters - this is how we notice what we've learned and figure out what to do NEXT]

My favorite version is 3 questions:

  • What worked? (what went well, what's good??)
  • What did I learn?
  • How do I want to move forward from here?

Notice that at NO POINT in this evaluation are we worrying over what didn't happen, what went wrong, or how we might have 'failed'...because contrary to popular process, evaluation isn't actually about beating yourself up, so we're not going to do that - not here, not now, not ever.

Third, a note in the group, as we played the Offer Game last week did a really good job (better than I ever could have, actually) of explaining WHY I run games and challenges and all the things.


I do things like the Offer Game (and workshops and challenges and whatever other stuff I think up) so that YOUR work can be simpler. Period.

Can you make offers all on your own? Sure. Could you come up with silly ways to do it? Absolutely.

But is it the same as having help?


Growing a business is easier with prompts and guidelines and boundaries and support. It's simpler when you don't have to be the one thinking up all. the. things all the time.

And THAT is why I'm here, why my group is here, why I coach, why I keep showing up and running all the things.

Because the things we do together lead to YOU getting to help more people and make more money. In the end, that's what matters most to me, day in and day out. Every time.

Yes, we're near the end of the Offer Game. And no, I'm not going away :) (you probably already figured that out, ha!)

If you have learned and done new things and GROWN through the Offer Game please know there's more here for you, with me - way more, actually - and none of it's complicated.

  • You can come to coaching 1:1 - I'm ready when you are. We'll work on offers, sure, but also ALL THE THINGS you need and want to grow your income and your impact, asap.

  • You can join the next round of group coaching starting this fall (12 weeks, $2K) - there will be 4 spots in the group. If this is something you're interested in joining, reach out and I'll save your seat (yes, it's early, but I already have some seats saved, yay!).

  • Or - if it really is the sales part of business that is your nemesis - join Selling for Weirdos.

In the Offer Game we made offers simpler -- and in Selling for Weirdos we make all 3 parts of your sales process (grounding, connecting, and offering) simple all at once, so that you can SELL BY GIVING and make more (both in $$s and in helping people) as a result.

And here's the sneaky bonus - if you use the code theoffergame24 when you purchase Selling for Weirdos (before the end of the day Sunday 6/16) you'll get $100 off :).

It's the best coupon that's coming this summer, so if you've been thinking about it, now's the time to jump in and buy (even if you don't start yet, totally fine, we're here when you're ready).

And - AS ALWAYS - if you have a question about anything... working with me, offers, Selling for Weirdos, the FB group, something you're working on - I'm here, I'm a human and all you have to do to talk to me is hit reply.


Much love,

