Please stop lining up the ducks, k?
Jun 19, 2024 2:54 pm
Hey there, ,
One of the biggest lies in business (ahem, life...) is that we have to have 'our ducks in a row' before we do... well, anything.
This is just such complete and utter bullshit.
And it's SUCH A BARRIER to progress - YOUR progress.
Because here's the thing.
Ducks are not cooperative.
They don't like to get in line.
Every time you think you've gathered them all up, there are always more little ducklings wandering around doing who knows what.
They have no idea, really, even what a line is or why you would bother with one to begin with.
And yet we scramble around trying to catch the duck, trying to talk them into getting in line, trying to force them to stay still through gritted teeth, fake-smiling while we feel like our teeth are being pulled out one by one.
Okay okay okay. Yes, it's an analogy.
But really? How does it look in your actual work?
- It's waiting to tell people about that thing you're creating until the thing is perfect.
- It's not sending the email because you're not sure when the 'right' time to send it is, and you're not sure you've said what you want right.
- It's planning to spend 3 hours on something and then looking at your calendar to see you really only have 37 minutes and putting starting off... again.
- It's avoiding looking at parts of your business (I'm looking at you, money) because it's uncomfortable but also you should but also you're scared to do it wrong but also it's scary and so maybe a different day would be better.
- It's deciding that you have to have all of the tools working and the email flows built and the content perfected before you hold the workshop or invite people to the event.
And all of this *waiting* and ordering and pushing back and pausing and fixing and creating before you really know what it is is EXHAUSTING and you haven't even really started yet. Ugh.
But there's GOOD news. I led this email with it.
This thing about needing to have all those ducks in a row?
It's g a r b a g e.
Your ducks? They can be running amok, leading happy little duckling lives doing all the fun things and your business will work (better).
They do not need to get in line. You do not need to have everything set up before you start. You do not have to do it right, have it all planned, know the next 10 steps, have big chunks of time --- none of it.
You can just. start.
You can just. share.
Because while you're busy waiting for the ducks to get their feathery-butts in line, none of your people are getting the help they need from you - and that sucks.
You get to choose to let the ducks BE ducks... and to proceed.
So, what do you actually do with all of this?
- Ask yourself: where are you currently lining up ducks when you could just be sharing?
- Where are you currently lining up ducks (perfectly) rather than making offers for things you know help people?
- What would it look like to care less about the ducks and just allow all progress to be progress, regardless of how many of the ducks cooperated?
- What might change? (lots of things)
The big key here is this: waiting isn't serving your people.
And it's surely not growing your business.
So why keep waiting?
There is no such thing as the 'right' time. There's just now.
Please let's give the ducks a break, okay?
Much love,
PS! In coaching we don't order ducks.
We START moving, and trust the ducks to follow (they ALWAYS do).
Building this kind of trust in yourself, your business, your people (your ducks) is work - and WORTH IT. Because when you stop fussing about the flipping ducks all the time you make a hell of a lot more progress, help a crap ton more people and get to see that the ducks do all eventually catch up. Truly.
It's time for coaching.
If you're ready for 1:1 book a time here. If you want to talk about joining small group coaching in September, book a time here. And if you want to talk about joining Selling for Weirdos and have questions (because the sales ducks are the scariest, they look like they bite but they're actually lovely once you learn to work with them...), book a time to here.